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FC Twenty 11 Notice of Annual General Meeting & Nominations for Life Membership

Notice of AGM for FC Twenty 11



We invite you to join us for our 2022 Annual General Meeting on Monday December 5th at 6.30pm.

Please join us, and hear what is planned for the club and football in Christchurch. There are a number of exciting opportunities and everyone is welcome to listen, ask questions, and get involved.

Please email Jo admin@fctwenty11.co.nz by 30th November with your RSVP for catering purposes and/or to be put on the mailing list for a digital copy of the annual report (which will be distributed before the meeting).

Details of the agenda can be found on our website https://fctwenty11.co.nz/agm/

If you are interested in joining the board or one of the steering groups (more detail on the purpose of these groups to be provided at the AGM), join our volunteer network, or sponsor the club; please reach out to us. We are a community club that relies on our 1000+ members and supporters to keep our prices as low as possible and our community engaged.


Nominations for Life Members are also now open. Life membership is an honour bestowed on individual club members whose exceptional, loyal and outstanding service and contribution has provided a measurable benefit to the club over an extended period of time. It is the highest recognition that can be awarded to a member in acknowledgment of exceptional service and contribution.

If you know of a club member who deserves to be nominated please email Jo admin@fctwenty11.co.nz no later than 20th November for an application form. The Board will be convening prior to the AGM to discuss and vote on any nominations received.




The FC Twenty 11 Board