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FC Twenty 11 Notice of Annual General Meeting

The FC Twenty11 Board would like to welcome all Life-time Members, Members, Volunteers and Supporters to the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
The AGM is scheduled for Monday 6 December commencing at 7pm and held at the Upper Riccarton Domain club rooms.
1. Welcome
2. Attendees & Apologies
3. Minutes of the 2020 AGM
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Financial Report
6. Subscriptions for 2022
7. Election of Officers
8. Appointment of Reviewer
9. General Business
If you’re interested in receiving an electronic copy of the Annual Report in advance, please email admin@fctwenty11.co.nz
Snacks and beverages will be provided at the conclusion of the AGM.
If you are interested in joining the board or one of the steering groups soon to be established (more detail on the purpose of these groups to be provided at the AGM), our volunteer network or sponsoring the club; please reach out to us. We are a community club that relies on our 600+ members to keep our prices as low as possible and our community engaged.
Club History
We’re interested in hearing stories about the club history. With plans to better capture and share the club’s history with our wider member base and the community, it would be great hear from those who have been involved with the club over the years and have some good stories to share. Dust off your memorabilia & your memories and join us at the AGM; or contact Jo Moar, Operations Manager at admin@fctwenty11.co.nz or 020 4FC 2011 (020 432 2011) to organise a time to meet up.